Can you freeze hard boiled eggs

Can You Freeze Hard-Boiled Eggs – The Best Guide

Hard-boiled eggs are a great option when you need an on-the-go protein snack. They’re not that difficult to make, but need a little bit of practice because you can’t know for certain how long you have to boil them.

With that being said, they’re really easy to make, you just need to pay 100% attention while making them. Boiling the eggs doesn’t take much time and they last well, you just need to put in the effort to boil your eggs, and you’ll have a quick snack or breakfast ready in case you’re in a rush.

You’ll need to figure out your options if you’re going for a huge batch of hard-boiled eggs. In this article, we will explain whether you can freeze hard-boiled eggs and how you can do it as well. Benefits of Boiled Eggs.

Are freezing hard-boiled eggs even possible?

While it is possible to freeze hard-boiled eggs, you should only freeze the egg yolks as the white part will turn rubbery and inedible if it stays in the freezer for a long time. So, you’ll just be forced to throw it out.

So, to avoid having to throw them away, just use them after boiling the eggs, and remove the yolk part before doing so. After you’ve removed the yolk, you’ll want to put it in a freezer container for up to 3 months to get the best quality possible, unless you need to use them before then. 

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you should know about freezing hard-boiled eggs. Important tips and everything that can help in freezing hard-boiled eggs will be covered in this article.

However, before that, here’s a quick walkthrough of boiling the eggs. It may seem pointless as it’s pretty simple to boil the eggs, but just in case, a step-by-step method has been mentioned below;

  • Place your eggs in a large saucepan and cover them with water about an inch over the top of the eggs. 
  • Bring the water to a rolling boil after covering the pan with a lid. 
  • You can reduce your heat to medium once the water hits a rolling boil, and that’s when you’ll want to start timing the boil time. 
  • Boil for 6-7 minutes for a smooth and creamy center, and boil for 9 minutes for a fully firm center. 
  • Remove from heat, uncover, and allow to cool.

How To Freeze Hard-Boiled Eggs?

It won’t any difference whether you store the eggs peeled or unpeeled, it’s just a matter of choice. So, it pretty much comes down to your personal preference. You can take your time peeling the eggs all at once if that’s what you prefer, but leaving them unpeeled won’t prolong their shelf life, and neither will peeling the eggs shorten it. So, it’s all up to you.

It’s recommended that you hard-boil the eggs instead of soft-boil if you intend to store them for a very long time, let’s say more than 3 months. The reason behind that is hard-boiled eggs are stored well in the fridge.

Hard-boiling the eggs will also allow you to store the eggs in an egg carton, or even an open bowl, if that’s what you prefer. Hard-boiling them also allows you to store them for 2 weeks. Although, if they start smelling bad during that time, or after that, throw them out immediately.

If you feel like you’ve run out of options and you have no choice but to try to freeze your eggs, follow the steps mentioned below to do so;

  • Although you can do what works for you, it is still recommended that you freeze the yolk only as the white part turns rubbery.
  • Scoop the yolk out of the eggs if you’ve chosen to just freeze the yolk part.
  • Place eggs (or yolk) into a freezer bag or a freezer-safe container. 
  • You can freeze for up to 6 months.

But, you should know that if you choose to freeze the entire hard-boiled egg, as mentioned above, you’ll just be wasting the white part if you store it for a long time as it can even become watery. So, freezing the yolk part is the best option available. But, then again, it comes down to what you choose to do. Again, it is highly recommended that you just freeze the yolk.

How To Freeze Hard-Boiled Eggs?


Freezing hard-boiled eggs is a possibility, but it’s recommended that you do this only if you’ve run out of options to choose from. And if you do decide to freeze the eggs, just freeze the yolk part. The white part tends to get mushy and rubbery, becoming a complete waste and all you can do is just throw it away. So, if you are going to freeze your eggs, just freeze the yolk part.

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Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.


Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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