How often do you take a cat to the vet?

How often do you take a cat to the vet?

Thinking about how often you should take a kitty cat to your veterinarian before you dive into pet property? Good after you because you are so proactive! 

Kittens, cats aged 0-1 in humans, are part of the first age group. The second group of felines comprises adult cats. Cats from 1 to 7-10 years of age in humans are included in this age range. The rate of your cat’s age depends on the breed, as some felines grow older than others. The third age group includes elderly cats, who in human years are cats over 7-10+.

How often do you take a cat to the vet?

How often do you take a cat to the Vet?

Again, the three age groups we will be discussing include:

  • Kittens: 0 to 1-year-old in humans
  • Adult cats: aged from 1 to 7-10 years in humans (this is breed dependent)
  • Senior cats: 7-10 years of age in humans (again, breed dependent)

Kittens: Felines aged 0-1 in Human Years

When it comes to kittens, you see the Vet about every six months once.

Cats will be tested for feline leukemia and the virus of feline immunodeficiency. They also receive vaccinations covering several diseases. At this stage, if recommended in your area, your pet will also start herbal and flea and tick prevention medications. The Vet checks again when your pet is spayed or neutered at about six months.

Adult Cat: Felines aged 1 to 7-10 in Human Years

If you wonder how often do you take a cat to the Vet? It is ideal for visiting the veterinarian approximately once every year throughout the life of an adult cat.

During this phase, veterinarians recommend annual checks. The doc will give your pet a physical head-to-tail. The veterinarian may recommend other tests based on any problem or unusual things your pet sees during the examination.

Distemper-parvo and rabies booster shots occur during the first annual inspection and then usually once every three years. The frequency of rabies boosters for animals depends on state law. Outdoor cats should be vaccinated against feline leukemia. A stool sample from your pet is helpful and will be checked by your Vet for intestinal parasites.

It’s good to raise any concerns you might have – again – about your pet’s behavior that might look a bit odd or out of place at these annual checks. Bring up to your veterinarian anything and everything you are worried about. Better than sorry, it’s safe.

Senior or Elderly Cat: Felines aged 7-10+ in Human Years

Senior or elderly cats should go to the Vet every six months approximately once.

While with a kitten it is possible to distinguish between the time when it is ideal for a cat to have their spaying and neutering surgery, it is advisable to take a typical examination every six months for older cats since it is easier to ensure that they are in good health with regular physical agents.

Twice-yearly checks for older pets are recommended. If necessary, your cat or dog is vaccinated and will undergo a thorough physical examination together with testing to monitor any problems. Blood and urine tests can give your veterinarian a scoop on your animal’s liver and kidney health, thyroid hormone levels, and more.

Tell any changes you saw in your pet – if your cat drinks more water or if your dog doesn’t get excited about his daily walks, for example. Signs of a new problem like kidney disease or arthritis can be seen.

Health Concerns: Why should you visit the Vet

Suppose your cat has any health issues, from recurring UTIs to heart murmurs and thyroid disease. In that case, your veterinarian is more likely to advise you to see him or her more frequently to make sure everything works smoothly; that is why you should not worry about how often you take a cat to the Vet.

You will also be advised to check for specific symptoms in your pet, and if you notice these symptoms, you should immediately bring your pet to the Vet.

Other reasons for visiting the Vet

There are also strange behaviors that may appear to be nothing, but those indicate trouble. 

All that is to say, even if the change in your cat’s behavior seems to be practically nothing, like a single accidental urination one night on your bed, it still matters incredibly, as it may indicate an underlying medical condition that must be dealt with.

The sooner you catch things, the better chance your Vet has of fixing it, and the sooner your cat can return to being the picture of perfect health. 

READ MORE: A Breed Guide For Pet Parents Suffering From Cat Allergies


Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.


Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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