If you have serious allergies to cats, the recommendation is that you not pursue an adoption despite your love for the animal. Your health would be at risk. Cats that are “non-allergenic” don’t exist. There is always going to be a slight inclination for a reaction. You can adopt a “hypoallergenic” feline less prone to shedding and offering less dander. These are the primary causes of allergies in cats.

Again, these animals are not wholly without the instance of shedding or dander. They’re merely drastically reduced in their capacity for them. There might be domestic cats that produce less adverse reactions, but many of the ones known for this characteristic are pedigreed. Open this page for guidance as to whether you can live with a cat if you’re allergic.
A Breed Guideline For Pet Parents On Hypoallergenic Cats
It can’t be stressed enough that if you have an allergy, particularly one of a severe nature, it’s always wise to avoid the trigger. While many cat lovers like to test the waters to be able to have the joy of adopting one of these lovely creatures, there could be serious adverse reactions, ultimately resulting in the animal needing rehoming. It’s better to avoid that scenario from the get-go.
Cats get super stressed by change. Having them become used to a home and a specific person and then uprooting them is traumatic for them. Take careful consideration before you make a commitment as an allergic person. Some cats are hypoallergenic, visit this page to see breeds. These should be reserved for people with minimal reactions. Check out examples here:
The Balinese
You wouldn’t imagine this animal with the reference as a “long-haired Siamese,” due to its furry mane, would be among one of the most likely to produce allergens. Cat hair in and of itself is not a producer of allergies.
Instead, you’ll find allergic reactions are brought on by the human companion by the saliva from a cat and oils from their skin rather than the actual hair. These deposits, throughout the house from the cat’s shedding. But the “Fel d 1,” the protein responsible for allergies, is reduced in this breed so that the fur they shed is less harmful to pet parents.
The Russian Blue
The Russian Blue notes as hypoallergenic and a possibility for people with slight allergies who love the species. The cat produces less of the “glycoprotein” that makes people become allergic (Fel d 1.)
Because of this, when the cat does shed, which is rare, there are minimal allergens released with which human companions need to contend. The word is that they basically don’t shed in the typical cat way.

The hairless breed has no fur meaning the saliva can’t become trapped when they engage in long self-grooming moments. Actually, any of the hairless breeds will cut the potential for adverse allergy reactions, making these the top breeds for those significantly allergic.
The Javanese Cat
This feline has one out of three layers to its coat compared to what most cats have. The difference with this animal is there is only a fine coat displayed on the top while there is no undercoat. One coat means very little shedding, and the hair that does come off is fine, leaving little dander.
The LaPerme
As its name suggests, this kitty has curls and these curls keep the dander from falling when the hair sheds, creating less of an instance of allergies. But the hair doesn’t fall very often because of the tight curls. Their shedding capacity is much less than other cat breeds.
It’s great that people love cats so much that they want to adopt them and get them out of those shelters. But if it’s to the detriment of your health, please don’t do that. Because ultimately what happens is the animal is sent back to the shelter when you can’t tolerate the experience. Go to this link https://www.everydayhealth.com/specialists/allergies/truth-about-cat-allergies/ for all you need to know about cat allergies.
While you have only the best of intentions, the outcome is less than desirable for the kitty. It results in trauma and depression for the animal. For someone who has severe allergies, it’s wise to avoid adopting any animal. If you merely have a slight reaction, one of the hypoallergenic options would probably be ideal for you. Do your research and make sure you can commit to the animal’s lifetime.
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