Health Benefits Kitchen

The 4 Best Foods to Control Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious and difficult illness that requires medication and a modified lifestyle. The latter is often easier said than done especially if you’re used to eating all unhealthy snacks and junk food before getting diagnosed with diabetes. Therefore, if you’re suffering from diabetes, and you’re still looking to live a happy, full fulfilled […]

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Health Benefits

Anti-Acne Diet: Get Rid of Acne by Eating Healthier

Acne is often a life-long skin issue that requires a lot of trial and error to disappear. Numerous skin care products promise amazing results, however, for people who struggle with acne, there’s a time when trying another lotion or cleanser is more of a chore, rather than something hopeful and promising. A diet plays a […]

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Fast Food

Fettuccine: Tips for Creating Perfect Pasta at Home

Scores of people across the globe love ribbons, so it is no wonder that Fettucini translates to ‘little ribbons,’ this delicious pasta is famous for a good reason!  Second, to homemade bread, there is nothing better than homemade pasta. Here’s how you can create the perfect fettuccine in the comfort of your own home.  The […]

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Health Benefits

Best Vegan Protein Substitutes [Best Guide]

When eating a plant-based diet, it’s important to factor in additional protein sources. Contrary to what some people may think, protein isn’t only available in animal-based products; there are plenty of vegan-friendly substitutes that you can add in that will give you all the nutrients that you need to stay healthy.  In this article, we’ll […]

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Health Benefits

7 Things To Consider Before Starting Your Keto Diet

Short for ketogenic, the keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat, and moderate-protein diet, which works by putting your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. This process is when your liver produces ketones that become the primary energy source of the body instead of glucose. Even if the keto diet may seem to be the […]

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