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How much juice is in one orange?

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. They are known for their juicy and sweet taste and are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. But how much juice does one orange contain? In this article, we will explore the different factors that affect how much juice you can get from one orange.

Factors that affect juice yield

The amount of juice you can get from one orange depends on various factors, including the size, ripeness, and variety of the fruit. The following are some of the factors that can affect the juice yield of an orange:

1. Size: Juice From One Orange

The size of an orange plays a significant role in how much juice it contains. Generally, larger oranges will yield more juice than smaller ones. This is because the larger the orange, the more juice sacs it contains. Juice sacs are the tiny pockets of juice inside the fruit that hold the liquid.

how to make orange juice

2. Ripeness: Juice From One Orange

The ripeness of an orange can also affect how much juice it yields. Fully ripe oranges tend to contain more juice than those that are not. This is because the juice sacs in ripe oranges are fully developed and can hold more juice. However, it’s worth noting that overripe oranges may not be the best for juice yield as they tend to become too soft and dry.

3. Variety: Juice From One Orange

There are many varieties of oranges, and they differ in terms of taste, texture, and juice yield. Some varieties, such as Valencia and Navel oranges, are known for producing more juice than others. Others, such as blood oranges, may have a lower juice yield due to their darker pigmentation.

How to extract juice from an orange

There are several ways to extract juice from an orange, including using a juicer or squeezing the fruit by hand.

1. Using a juicer: Juice From One Orange

Juicers are an excellent way to get the most juice out of an orange. They are designed to extract juice from fruits and vegetables quickly and efficiently. Juicers come in different types, including centrifugal juicers, masticating juicers, and hydraulic press juicers. The type of juicer you choose will depend on personal preference and budget.

2. Squeezing by hand: Juice From One Orange

squeezing oranges

Squeezing an orange by hand is a simple and inexpensive way to extract the juice. Here’s how to do it:

  • Cut the orange in half horizontally.
  • Hold the orange over a bowl with the cut side facing down.
  • Squeeze the orange with your hands, using downward pressure to extract the juice.
  • Rotate the orange and continue squeezing until all the juice is extracted.

How much juice can you get from one orange?

On average, a medium-sized orange will yield around 3 to 4 tablespoons of juice. However, this can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. To get more juice from your orange, choose a larger, fully ripe fruit, and use a juicer. Using a juicer will extract more juice from the fruit than squeezing it by hand.

Benefits of orange juice

Orange juice is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that can benefit your health. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, which plays a vital role in immune function and wound healing. They also contain folate, which is essential for healthy cell growth and development.

Orange juice is also rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids and carotenoids, which can help reduce inflammation and protect against chronic disease. Studies have shown that drinking orange juice may help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.


The amount of juice you can get from one orange depends on several factors, including size, ripeness, and variety. On average, a medium-sized orange will yield around 3 to 4 tablespoons of juice. To get the most juice from your orange, choose a larger, fully ripe fruit, and consider using a juicer. Orange juice is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that can benefit your health. So next time you’re craving a refreshing drink, grab an orange and enjoy its sweet and juicy goodness.


The amount of juice you can get from one orange depends on various factors, including the size, ripeness, and variety of the fruit. There are several ways to extract juice from an orange, including using a juicer or squeezing the fruit by hand. On average, a medium-sized orange will yield around 3 to 4 tablespoons of juice. However, this can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. To get more juice from your orange, choose a larger, fully ripe fruit, and use a juicer. Using a juicer will extract more juice from the fruit than squeezing it by hand.

Read More: Best And Easy substitute for pineapple juice


Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.


Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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