What Is A Tract Of Land Used For Raising Livestock Or Crops Called
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What Is A Tract Of Land Used For Raising Livestock Or Crops Called?

What is a tract of land used for raising livestock or crops called? This is a cynical and baffling question, which is oblivious to even native English orators. Land does have a precise appellation, unlike other words in the English vocabulary – it has many designated names!

Likewise, the land is an ambiguous word – it can mean a territory, a district, a neighbourhood, a country, or even a planet. Albeit, the names can depend on what is on the ‘land’, for what purpose it is used, and even whether or not the ‘land’ is held by a public or private entity.

Upon my inquiry into this word, I stumbled upon an assortment of diverse opinions. However, it was always somewhat associated with ‘farm’ – which would make sense since an agrarian property is normally acknowledged as a “farm”.

I’ve sought all over the internet for this query, and to my disbelief, more people than I assumed have the same question. In this article, I will be accentuating the query of; what is a tract of land used for raising crops called. I’m going, to be honest, this makes me want to go to high school all over again!

What Is A Tract Of Land Used For Raising Livestock Or Crops Called?

  • FARM-LAND (noun) | \ ˈfärm-ˌland – a land used or suitable for farming; a rural area where farming is practised; an arable land which is worked by ploughing, sowing, and raising crops and/or livestock.

“Johnny owns over 50 acres of rich farmland.”

  • PASTURE-LAND (noun) | \ ˈpas-chər-ˌland – land or a plot of land used for grazing; a field covered with grass or herbage and is used for grazing by livestock.

“Each morning, Johnny sends the cows to the pastureland.”

  • RANCH (noun) | \ ˈranch – a large farm for raising horses, cattle, or sheep; a farm or area devoted to a particular speciality; a farm consisting of a large tract of land along with the facilities needed to raise livestock, particularly cattle.

“Johnny lives on a cattle ranch in Texas, where he raises livestock.”

  • CROP-LAND (noun) | \ ˈkräp-ˌland – land that is suited to or used for crops.

“Johnny uses the cropland exclusively for growing wheat.”

  • VINE-YARD (noun) | \ ˈvin-yərd – a planting of grapevines, where wine grapes are produced; a field of endeavour.

“Johnny went out with the harvest workers to the vineyard.”

  • ORCHARD (noun) | \ ˈȯr-chərd – a planting of fruit trees, nut trees, or sugar maples; a garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without undergrowth.

“Johnny loves to visit the vibrant apple orchards during May (although there is never a bad time).”

I’ve mentioned above all the rational terms which could be used to describe a tract of land used for raising livestock and crops. However, during my research, I came across a horde of forums where people would argue on, albeit generic, ‘field’ or ‘farm’ being a coherent term. Why?

  • FIELD (noun) | \ ˈfēld – an open land area free of woods and buildings; an area of cleared enclosed land used for cultivation or pasture; land containing a natural resource.

“Johnny’s passion is working as a farmer on the field, as was his father’s.”

  • FARM (noun) | \ ˈfärm – a tract of land devoted to agricultural purposes; a plot of land devoted to the raising of animals and especially domestic livestock.


Crops, such as wheat, barley and corn, are raised on a field, whereas livestock, such as cattle, horses, or sheep, are reared on a farm. Therefore, plausibly, it would seem that a tract of land that is used for both would be known as a “farm”.

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Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.


Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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